Linux Commands Unleashed! 🐧

Linux Commands Unleashed! 🐧

Hello Explorers! Today, you've stepped into the realm of Linux commands, unlocking the potential to navigate and command your way through the powerful open-source landscape.

🌟Key Linux Commands Explored:

  1. date:- The date command displays the current date and time.

  2. ls:- The ls command lists directory contents of files and directories

  3. mkdir:- The mkdir command is useful when you want to create new directories.

  4. ls -l:- It known as a long format that displays detailed information about files and directories.

  5. pwd:- This command that displays the full pathname of the current directory.

  6. touch:- Create blank/empty files.

  7. clear:- Clear the terminal display.

  8. cd:- Changes the working directory.

  9. cd .. :- It will bring the user above one directory.

  10. rm:- Delete files.

  11. rmdir:- Use the rmdir command (remove directory) to delete an empty directory.

  12. rm -r:- Remove directories and their contents recursively.

  13. cat:- Display file contents on the terminal.

  14. echo:- Print any text that follows the command.

  15. zcat:- The zcat command allows the user to expand and view a compressed file without uncompressing that file.

  16. head:- Return the specified number of lines from the top.

  17. tail:- Return the specified number of lines from the bottom.

  18. less:- Less command is a Linux utility that can be used to read the contents of a text file one page (one screen) at a time.

  19. more:- This command is used to view the text files in the command prompt, displaying one screen at a time in case the file is large (For example log files).

  20. cp:- Similar usage as mv but for copying files.

  21. ln -S:- Sort files and directories by their sizes, listing the largest ones first.

  22. cut -b:- It is used to cut a specific section by bytes.

  23. tee:- Prints command outputs in Terminal and a file.

  24. sort:- Linux command to sort the content of a file while outputting.

  25. diff:- Find the difference between two files.

  26. wc:- The wc command (word count) counts the number of lines, words, and bytes in a file.

  27. df:- Display disk filesystem information.

  28. df -h:- Prints sizes in a human-readable format using power of 1024.

  29. du:- Checks a file or directory’s storage consumption.

  30. ps:- Display active processes.

  31. top:- View active processes live with their system usage.

  32. fuser:- It used to determine the processes that are using a file system.

  33. kill:- Kill active processes by process ID or name.

  34. free:- The free command gives information about used and unused memory usage and swap memory of a system. By default, it displays memory in kb (kilobytes).

  35. nohup:- It allows you to run processes even after logging out of a session.

  36. vmstat:- It is a performance monitoring command of the system as it gives the information about processes, memory, paging, block IO, disk, and CPU scheduling.

  37. vim:- Edits a file with a text editor

  38. mv:- Move or rename files.

  39. nano:- GNU nano (Nano's another editor) is a keyboard-oriented Linux text editor. You can use Nano to make a new file or open an existing one by running.

  40. man:- Access manual pages for all Linux commands.

  41. ssh:- Secure Shell command in Linux.

  42. zip:- Zip files in Linux.

  43. unzip:- Unzip files in Linux.

  44. tail -f:- This option is mainly used by system administration to monitor the growth of the log files written by many Unix program as they are running.

Linux is more than operating system; it's a powerful tool shaping the digital landscape. Wheather you're a developer, sysadmin, or DevOps enthusiast, mastering Linux is a key milestone in the tech journey.🚀